As you know, today is Labour Day, there are quite a lot of people enjoying over there...
As for me, i went there to take a lot of photos, some maybe nice, some maybe bad but this is my hobby~ hehe...
The sky blue~ This is an incredible beautiful view.
It's the same picture as above, just it is inversed. Looks like the ocean with the sun shining bright...
The sun and the sea always looks nice... They are perfect!
Isn't it nice to look at the natural green?
Just some coconut trees but simply nice~
Sunset... Took the picture while waiting for the food~
"Look! What is THAT!?" I have no idea~~
Gorgeous sunset!
My sister was enjoying there...
Oops~ it went in~~
"POP"!! Came out again... hehheh~
But it's very sad to say that most of them do not appreciate the beautiful nature that God has given to us!! Is this the failure of our education system?
Look at these: Good maintenance? I don't think so...
Kan kita bertamadun?
Enjoying the food and ~~ !?What is this!?
The ocean doens't want any fruit juice!
Drain water going to the sea?Nice view which is spoilt by the darn plastic bag!!
Typical Malaysian~
What is this tree doing here!? Shouldn't be here...
Nice scene...
And what is......
Owh, having break time here but make sure you throw it into the RECYCLE bin...
Free Root Beer from the sea... You want?
Cloud 9... A bad promotion...
You want chewing gum? Visit our beach!
I can only say: They are freaking irresponsible!
Under renovation as the erotion is very fast... Gov. didn't take action... That's bad though~
Running out of plastic bags? Here they are!
Wire gauze? Looks so awful especially in this kind of place. Spoil the beauty of nature!
So dangerous... Can injure small kids you know!
Typical Malaysian...
Kegagalan sistem pendidikan... Apa guna belajar banyak mata pelajaran ni? Cam ni mana boleh maju? Guna otaklah!
Definitely a very very bad era we've come to...
Fellow Malaysians!! What are these for?
"Are we invisible... ?"
"Sik nampak ka! Buta ka?"
Aren't we civilised? Can't they read? Sekolah tak ajar macam mana baca ka?
People just can't appreciate what they have until they regret when they lost everything...
Xtra photos:
I'm ready to grow!!
I wanna go to the sea~~ Take me for a ride, Mr. Wave.. pleeeeez~
People enjoying their good time~ Quite happy huh...
Kesan-kesan yang ditinggalkan oleh makhluk asing negeri Sarawak... :P
Don't kacau me.. I wanna look at the beauty of the stars~
Stupid ants just pissed me off!!
Family hour~ children and adults enjoying their time here... If they still let the erotion continue, this playground will be NO MORE!
The beauty of GREEN that God has created.
My dinner time~ :
Feng Shui? Does this bring prosperity...?
My dad enjoying the coconut. Yummy! :)
Last but not least, guess what? This little plate of lame satay cost RM5!!!
Eh, this is one of the photo i took on the other day... Like it~~ hehe
So, as a Malaysian, i hope that everyone can see our own weaknesses. Protect our land, and resourses that we've been blessed! Do it start from you yourself!
Malaysia Boleh! Some day we will be proud to say this if we work together in unity, work together as one, as Malaysian!
All the best! God Bless everyone... God Bless Malaysia! AMEN.
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