Thursday, January 31, 2008

Yeah... Lepas hari esok, cuti Tahun Baru Cina...

Pagi ini, ibu saya menghantar dua orang jiran ke sekolah kerana ibu bapa mereka pergi ke Sibu...
Hari ini sama seperti hari yang lain... Tugas yang sama... kawan baik yang berjumpa setiap hari... Guru-guru yang sama... Saya berasa sangat bersyukur kerana mendapat banyak kawan sebegini serta guru-guru yang sangat bimbang akan keputusan saya...
Petang hari ini, saya telah menghabiskan masa saya membuat perkara yang sia-sia sahaja... Orang senantiasa akan menyesal terutamanya selepas masa sudah tamat... Pengurusan masa saya masih belum kukuh lagi... Saya seharusnya menyiapkan kerja yang patut dilakukan sebelum menghabiskan masa dalam kegiatan lain...
Saya berharap agar saya akan menguruskan masa dengan baik pada masa depan demi "mencerahkan" masa depan saya yang bercita-cita besar... Saya akan berdoa agar saya dapat menguruskan masa saya dengan cekap dan mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang...
Itu sahaja untuk hari ini...
"Sekian, terima kasih..."

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


今天早上我起得早,闹钟在5.30就响了。平时我都会把它给按了,但是今天因为有道德测验,所以一心一意想把它给考好。妈妈看见我起身,他也自动的起来了。当时她吓了一大跳因为才5.30而已。妈妈就看我那么想要早到学校,她就为我准备早餐。6时正,我就要求他在我去学校了...到了班上,我只看见四位同学,麒麟小姐、哈西飞、赞光、你鸡江。 当景优和彭哥来的时候,他们吓了一跳。可是到后来,我道德测验不会做...真是叫人生气!我觉得我自己好失败,对自己也感到很失望。哎~~下午我们上华文,今天是继续星期一的文言文,老师也给了我们一些问答题,我们做完就交上去了。华文课后,我、彭哥、景优、罗仁斯 就一起讨论英文测验的题目。
之后,我就去了补习。补习后,我认为我需要一点休息,所以我小睡了一会儿。到了吃饭时间,我与家人一起享用晚餐......爸爸就跟我说:“其实,你们功课多不多是在于你自己怎么分配时间。如果你时间分配好的话,你会发觉你的时间会有很多多余的。”我想了一想,爸爸比较有经验,也许它是对的... 爸爸又再添一句:“你们自己的想法也应该改变,如果你们想功课多,很多,你就会做不完;相反的,如果你想它少,你很快就会做完了......”
晚饭后,我去反省反省,觉得爸爸说得没错,值得我去参考,值得我去学习...... 那么,我自己也应该加油加油了......

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


学校の日々は大体同じだ... 今日も不利外....
今お腹が痛くないから嬉いだ~ 今朝の勉強は全然面白い物が無かった...
つまらなかった... そして、自分が一番好きの科目、物理の時はもう一回大便した!
好きな科目の時はおトイレを行った... 「クソを作った」... 
何のためにはそのバカな科目の勉強をするか?いっぱい宿題をもらった... 可愛そうな~ 
今の生徒たちは~宿題ばっかり~ 24時間は不足だ!!!悲しい~~
昼は二人ビンセントと一緒に英語口述試験の議論した... その後は夏さん先生のSPBTクラブを
手伝った... お疲れました!本の棚を組み立てた... 皆は疲れたけれど... 結果は間違った!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The innocents...

Yeah... today was quite exhausting...
I don't know why my head boy didn't come today but I still wanna pray that his head is okay...
It was my turn to do the pledge in the assembly, I felt quite happy because it was better than the first time I did it last year... Even though I was quite nervous, some how I managed to did it quite smoothly although there were some mistakes...
Then... HERE COMES BIOLOGY!! Looking my friends 'slaying' the innocent frogs one after another... In total, if I have not mistaken, I think our class,5L2 killed 5 frogs for this freaking experiment compared to 5L1 which was just about 3... It was disgusting and pitiful looking at the frogs stuggling... We did this to observe the heart... One of my friends even said, "I accidentally poked the lung of the Frog and it just went flat..." Oh no! Imagine you were the frog, just put yourself into "it's" shoes... Imagine... Someone just open your abdomen with the reason of "Learning"... YUCKS! Even though I was not scared, but I felt bad seeing the frogs being @#$%... Two of my classmates even CRIED!! This is because they have humanity... Haha... We had Additional Mathematics test!!! I hope this time my result will be good~~ hehe...
After school, I went to Sun City~~ with my friends, Lu Ming, Zhan Yuan, Han Ting and Yun Chun for lunch before we went to the sports day training... We talked about the innocent frogs... Lu Ming (who poked the lungs of the frog) felt "bad", i think... until he just had a piece of bread for his lunch... Haha... Well, this is the process of learning. Some may think that it is Science... Some may think that it is cruel... It just depends on the point of view of everyone because everyone sees a think differently... Still feeling bad about the frogs... Frogs... FROGS... F.R.O.G.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We enjoyed the training with some of my friends, Jian Feng, Ryan, Matthias and with some Form 4 friends who are CHONG members... Everyone wanted to go back early but we were forced to stay until 5pm... haha... We were exhausted... I was tired... My mother went to pick me up after she got the photostated "Pearl" from the photocopy shop. She brought me to school because my bag was in the school...
She didn't allow me to switch on the computer for blogging because my father got a news from the National Service camp. They said my brothers leg was cut by some glasses which fell down from the window shutters maybe when he closed the door quite harshly... Another innocent thing happen again... Sigh... Why? Head boy got his head hit by some metals from the rack, and my brother also got his leg injured... Oh~~ I felt bad... I told my mother I'm gonna switch off the pc right after I finish the blog... So, tonight I better don't switch on the computer because my mother is not in the good mood...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mencuci kereta sehingga memecahkan 'rekod' saya...

Hari ini saya bangun awal kerana saya ada tuisyen Bahasa Melayu pada pukul 8 pagi sehingga 9.30 pagi. Bapa saya pun menghantar saya ke rumah Cikgu Wong untuk tuisyen tersebut.
Selepas tuisyen, saya pun pulang ke rumah untuk membuat persiapan Tahun Baru Cina.
Bapa menolong menjaga kereta kawannya (Toyota Land Cruiser, VX Limited) selama 3 hari 2 malam mulai hari Jumaat, 25 Januari 2008... Saya disuruh untuk mencuci dua buah kereta sendiri sahaja tetapi orang yang sibuk seperti saya ini tidak tahan tengok kereta kawan bapa yang sangat kotor itu, maka cucilah kereta itu... Saya telah memecahkan rekod sendiri yang mencuci tiga buah kereta sekaligus! Saya berasa gembira kerana memecahkan rekod saya serta membantu kawan bapaku...
Selepas memcuci kereta, saya pun mandi terus selepas makan petang saya disebabkan saya ada tuisyen subjek Kimia lagi pada petang hari tersebut... Apabila sampai ke pusat tuisyen itu, saya telah lambat 10 minit. Semasa saya membuka pintu yang berwarna biru itu... saya terdapati tempat duduk saya telah 'DIJAJAHI' oleh pelajar yang lain... Geramnya~~ Terpaksalah beredar ke tempat duduk yang terakhir... Disebabkan oleh terhabisguna tenaga saya, saya berasa letih semasa berada dalam kelas Kimia tersebut. Selain itu, tempat duduk saya ada sedikit gelap menyebabkan saya tertidur dalam masa tuisyen Kimia tersebut...
Sampailah~~~~~~~ 10 minit sebelum masa tamat tuisyen itu... Saya berasa saya berdosa kerana saya telah membazirkan masa saya sendiri dan wang ibu bapa... Maaf ibu bapaku~~

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today is Saturday!

今天是星期六但是还要上学... 哎~ 不过,今天还蛮过瘾的...
新年快到了~ 希望它能够再快一点来啊~ 我想拿多多红包... 嘻嘻~
我有一点想买新电话,但是想来想去买电话很不值得... 打不如存起来可能以后也有
其他的用处... 哈哈...

Friday, January 25, 2008


今日はちょっとお疲れた...... 学校は朝七時から三時までだったから...
学校の時、友達はちょっと傷ついた。 無事だった、よかった!
まぉ...いい... 頑張る!いい勉強に成るの為に!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Since everyone is blogging, I create a blog too...

As usual, today is still the same from the rest of the days but I've learnt that when we do things we have to set priority, for example, we have to finish our homework that are supposed to be done before we blog...
Well this is the first time I blog. So i have to learn a lot of 'blogging skills' from the other bloggers. haha...