Monday, March 1, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


好久没有 写部落格了~ 最近都不知道想要些什么...

新年了,大家 都從大老遠回來家鄉 慶新年,我也不例外。
好久沒有回到家,這次回來 雖然知道 一定會有家裡的事情個我們做,但是 感覺是特別溫馨。
回來 看父母,看看自己住過那麼久的屋子,心裡有種非常感動的感覺。

今天 大年初三,總是感覺今年 這裡沒什麼熱鬧了,大家都大了;也很少出去放鞭炮 而且鞭炮有危險,呆在家里 吹吹冷氣,看看電視、電腦 是多么的享受。哈哈
拜年,也很少去了... 天氣有這麼熱,坐在車裡 東奔西跑 也不是很好受 其實... 哈哈

但是,拜年還是需要的。向親朋好友 拜個年送禮 使我們華人的傳統習俗,是至今都不可忽略的習慣。
雖然我們是信奉 基督教,但是 在我心裡 宗教與傳統習俗是往往 不同的。我們身為華人,雖說 華人傳統是從佛教演變出來的,但是 也不至於我們 基督教華人把它們給淡忘了。傳統還是要保留的,只是 我們信奉的還是萬物之神而已。

唯有保留住自己的傳統習俗 才能夠更明確的瞭解自己的宗族,才能更明白自己的歷史。

在這裡 我希望 大家 不但能夠繼續相信 上帝是萬物的主,也要保留我們華人的傳統習俗。一樣要慶春節、冬至、端午、中秋等的節日。
也在這裡祝 全球華人 虎年快樂!心想事成、步步高升、龍馬精神。
最重要的還是 身體健康!

Friday, December 18, 2009


We had a long night of BBQ yesterday in the ConneXion house...
I can say it was fun, however, the preparations and the cleaning up is the toughest part!
Praise the Lord for those who helped up!

These two weeks i felt kinda packed... Finally the things that is left on my list is Moral Final that will drop on tomorrow. The rest are over except for the January final (of course)...

Still trying my best to learn things especially learning not to be a fool or a jerk...
Learning to manage my time, learning about God... learning to control myself... etc.

I can say thought sometimes i feel like the time is not really enough for me to use, but i feel that i like this campus life!
It's great to have everyone around... =)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Matlab test...

I've never felt so bad over a test before...
Last night, i was trying to study, i realised that i didn't know anything about Matlab! That was really scary... i rushed and rushed after having fun with Steven's PC... Never underestimate this Matlab thing, though it looks simply, but it's not!
One thing i myself don't like about Matlab is, it doesn't make anything simple, instead you have to know the keys and scripts to work it out... The powerful thing about Matlab is, it really can compute something complicated for you (if you know how to type the command in)

It was really really bad... i only managed to get 2 answers out of 4 questions... the other two kept on giving me errors! I really went panic... eventually... blank...
Kinda disappointed with myself though... everytime if i do bad, i'll say to myself, "don't worry, work hard next time..."
Seems like the hard time will never come if i keep on comforting myself with this sentence... the effort isn't there...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor

1941's today, a Japanese war plane piloted by Mitsuo Fuchida took off from the aircraft carrier Akagi. Fuchida led the surprise attack on US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii...

50 years later, some one was born...

This morning at 12, my housemates and friends came to celebrate my 18th birthday in ConneXion house... it was my very first time though, that's very touching!! (have to tell you that, i didn't cry... hehheh)
Actually to be frank, i didn't expect they all to do it for me in the first place until i saw some soft drinks bottle on the table when i was filling my Tupperware... it's kinda odd to see 3, 4 bottles of soft drinks there since my housemates don't really drink alot of sweet stuffs... (goofball is exceptional)
Me and David and other friends play badminton around 11am after both me and David finished our frisbee throwing practice under the hot sun... crazy boys... Ken and Xuejing came in with a birthday cake without the candle lit... hahax~ but it's okay!! I'm really grateful that everyone did that for me! May the Lord Bless them!

My birthday wish was to stay healthy, get good results and the most important thing that i wished for was to be more committed and more devoted, so that i can bring more people to know about the truth- Christ the Savior!

「God broke into human history to offer us the gift of eternal life.」

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Great Frisbee Tournament!!

Today we went to INTI Nilai for frisbee tournament...
All of the ConneXions were gathered there to see who was the best among all!! ConneXion KBU was the best among the ConneXions but they got beaten by Oops2... hurray for that!

Loads of things happened today... Something bad happened in between the matches, pulling our spirit down... I hope nothing similar will happen again!

I wish i have some photos for today's activity... but i'm not the photographer, so i don't have them with me~

Anyways, some of us have improvements...
No matter what, we still have to remember one thing: God loves us!
We have to keep our faith because it's not outside sources that provide true happiness, it is that which comes from within - from letting Christ be at home in our hearts!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


When i reviewed about last month, i think it was bad...
Loads of things i didn't finish... for example, the barbeque pit... though the weather is one part of the factor that pull me back from it, i still stink in planning... right now, the event is only few weeks away, i really hope that i can make temporary pits that will be enough for everyone on that day... I felt sorry to Kaiseng and the others...
Funny thing is I've become more active in sports (except for gymming... hahax) this semester... which should be a good thing... Badminton... Ping Pong... i never thought that ultimate frisbee is so fun!! Fell in love with that sports! I'm going to play for ConneXion... I really hope that we can do well in the competition! God Bless us ALL!! yay!

Calculating the expenses for this few months... it's kinda blowing though... never thought that i would use such a number of money... xD
Buying extra shorts and shirts... due to badminton, i torn two shorts... xD

Some of the results didn't turn out well... quite disappointing... one thing is because i myself didn't put much effort in it... My electricity and magnetism sucked... always regret when something bad happens... never think far before i do something... hahax... should have foresee that i'll get bad result for studying last minute...
Jiayou! Anyway, i must not mess up my test2! I still have to maintain my discount from University...
I'll have to continue to pray harder and serve myself to the Lord!!

Currently looking forward to Christmas!! I never felt this motivated before as i never celebrated Christmas with anyone in my hometown... perhaps my family, but in a very normal way as if it's a normal day... hahax...

Since i'm not going back on Christmas, I will be here to celebrate Christmas!!

May the Lord Bless everyone!!